Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Pumpkin Flatbread

I found a way to sneak more veggies onto my kids' plates, in a way that was adult-friendly as well.  I've found that these flat breads are versatile enough to be used for any cuisine (think Indian Pumpkin Roti/Chapathi, Mexican Pumpkin tortillas, Middle Eastern Pumpkin Lavash, etc.), and portable enough for any lunch pail.  Enjoy!

Pumpkin Flat Bread

1 15oz can of pumpkin puree
1 Tbsp salt
1 Tsp black pepper*
1 Tsp sesame seeds**
2.5 Cups whole wheat all-purpose flour

1.  Mix together the pumpkin puree, salt, pepper and seeds in a large bowl.
2.  Incorporate 2 cups of the flour, adding the remaining .5 cup if necessary to make a soft dough.
3.  Pinch off pieces of the dough and form a ball from each piece.  Roll out each ball with a rolling pin to make the individual flat breads, using extra flour as necessary.
4.  On medium heat, cook each flat bread on a lightly oiled skillet (cast iron works best), on medium heat.  Turn over partway through cooking, and ensure light browning on both sides. 
5.  Serve warm.

* In place of black pepper, try a seasoning or spice mix.  Be wary of extra salt in any seasoning that you try, and adjust the salt content accordingly.

** In place of the sesame seeds, try flax seeds or cumin seeds. 

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